Thursday, September 20, 2007

Junior High's not so scary after all!!!

Well, I'm two weeks into the Junior High program and so far I've survived! I am really amazed by some of these students. I was approached about helping out on Wednesday night with the teen program and I really had my doubts about it. My first thought was that these kids don't necessarily "want" to be here at this age. Some of them come with their parents because they have to and some of them come only for social I really want to deal with that after a long day at work? What I'm experiencing with these kids is really awesome!!! If anything they are "uplifting" at the end of my busy work day! I think that God lead me to this group for a reason and I'm really excited about being with my small group of 8th grade girls. I can tell that this is going to be a great learning experience for all of us and I'm praying that God will give me the right words to open up the minds and hearts of these girls. Pray for me as I seek His wisdom each week with my small group!