Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More Random Thoughts....

1. Why are women so sensitive? This applies to me as well. I take everything personally!
2. Why are men oblivious? Dropping subtle hints doesn't work at my house. You have to spell it out LOUDLY!
3. Romance is overrated! Or at least I'm getting used to that theory since there's not an over abundance of romance where I live.
4. Regardless of what decade it is, Junior High students all act the same.
5. Boys are easier to raise than girls from the ages of 1-13.
6. Television is being taken over by reality shows.
7. Cartoons are being taken over by adult themes and content!
8. When I look at food I gain weight!
9. What is it with women my age dressing like they are high school girls? I don't care how skinny you's not appropriate!
10. I say we scrap the election in November and look for all new candidates!
11. If you've read all the way down to 11 then you're as messed up as me! Get back to something meaningful!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're funny! And right on all these except I will have to disagree with #5. I think my boys are harder to raise now than my girl. My house and furniture has become a football field, basketball court, trampoline, skateboard ramp, and wrestling mat all in one. The drama of having a girl is just starting to appear, so I am thinking that as long as I have food in my house, my boys will be easier as teenagers than my girl. But that might just be my family. Other families may have different experiences. Keep blogging! You are good at it.